Thursday, April 13, 2006

Inaugural Whine - Dancing

I've never understood why all people are required as if by law to enjoy dancing. It starts in high school, where every major memory making event is essentially a dance (homecoming, prom, etc...). The big dance is always the climax of a teen movie. Even after adolescence, weddings, anniversaries and holiday parties all generally focus around dancing.

That by itself wouldn't really bother me much. The thing that really gets my goat (aside from goat snatchers) is that if you go to one of these events and don't dance, then it's assumed that you're embarrassed by the way you dance. Or you're "no fun". Or you can't find the beat. For me, none of this is true. I just don't like to dance. It's just not fun. And we don't do this with anything else. If you don't like playing Monopoly, no one assumes that you can't count or have a fear of tiny hats.

Of course, it could be worse. I could live in India. According to every Bollywood film I've seen, dancing is 2/3 of their average day.


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